About the book
Watch Kokey as he enters the Bush Olympics, featuring a rhyming poem, follow his journey from the exciting opening ceremony where he proudly carries the flag, through diving, swimming, hurdles, relay, canoeing, sailing and boxing.
Poor Kokey, he fails time after time but never giving up; thus children will “take heart’ from its key message of strength of determination, endurance, resilience and courage.
So will he finally win and achieve his dream of a Gold Medal?

“Kokey you can hold the flag.
His chest swelled up, he would not sag.”
The diving was his first event...
The canoeing was another story…
Unique Find & Discover Book
The book’s aim is to encourage children's love of reading, educate them on the Olympics with its many sports, whilst inspiring young readers to learn about Australia’s unique landscapes, fauna and flora.
The beautiful hand-painted realistic illustrations are set in each Australian State and Territory, thus enabling an intricate ‘find and discover’ experience of over 400 species of Australian fauna and flora.
Can you recognise and find a dunnart, platypus, phascogale, echidna, antechinus, cicada, lyrebird or pademelon?
Identify all the animals and flowers in the Answer Keys at the back.
During the Sydney Olympics the book was a recommended resource for the NSW and WA Education Departments.
Queensland Rainforest Answer Key
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Help preserve our Australian wildlife
By purchasing Kokey Koala, 5% of your purchase will go to support the Aussie Ark Conservation Program whose vision is to create a long-term future for our threatened Australian species.
For more info, visit aussieark.org.au